Thursday, August 13, 2009

The unofffical beginning

Today, I purchased the remainder of the nursing textbooks for the semester. I was a bit shocked that my books total $1011!!

Tonight, I am excited to report that I started my reading assignments for the first week of class. I read about hand washing, changing a hospital bed, and giving a bath.

I totally can not get over how many books I have for my first semester. In fact, I get overwhelmed if I think about it too much.

I just read that Belmont's nursing students from May of 09 had a 100% pass rate for the RN examination! Totally awesome.

I am so excited and counting down the days. 13 more days until I am an official nursing student. And, tomorrow is my last day as a domestic engineer. Prayers are appreciated as we maneuver this huge life transition. Thank you!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It is August!!

I looked at the calendar this morning and said "wow. It is August! I start nursing school THIS month!!" I am sooooo excited!

I am hammering out the final details of attending school. I will purchase my text books this week. I will also see my older child off to Kindergarten and see my youngest child off to daycare for the first time this week.

The closer I get to Aug. 24, the better I feel about everything. I get to go back to school! I get to study something I really enjoy. I can't wait to see the ways the Lord is going to use me to help other people through the field of nursing. I am eager to see the way He surprises me in the way the children are well cared for while I am away. I am excited about making new friends while I am at Belmont. I am thrilled that I get to return to such an awesome school again. I am thankful for the way the Lord has provided for me and taken care of every last detail of the nursing school process.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Well, school is just five short weeks away. I am really getting excited around here! The next two things to get through our my youngest child's 2nd birthday party and then my oldest child's first few days of kindergarten. There is a lot of excitement going on!

I just reserved all 19 of my texbooks for the fall. 19 books? I am pretty sure that is a record in my college career, but I know I will use some of them more than one semester.

I am enjoying my last few weeks of being a stay-at-home mom and my last few weeks of life as I know it. I am going to try to update this blog as much as possible once school starts, but I have no idea how faithful I will be at it. So, if you are interested in joining me for the ride, please bookmark this site, if not; adios! I will see you in a couple of years when all the madness ends :0)

I have 2-3 more weeks of nutrition class as well. I am ready to turn in my final transcript. If I ace this class, I will have aced every nursing pre-req course I have taken thus far. So far, so good.

Friday, June 19, 2009

school update

After going through the red tape stuff several times, my private loan has FINALLY been credit approved. Hip hip hurray!! I just got word today!! :0)

Medical stuff: To participate in clinical rotations, we must have the following: CPR certification, FBI background check and finger printing, the Hepatitis B series, proof of immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, and varciella (or re-vaccinations) a tetanus shot, and a special two step TB test that takes three visits to a physician. I only lack two more Hep B vaccinations and a CPR class which I will complete at Belmont in August.

I completed the FBI background check/finger printing this week. My daughter and I went to the police dept. Tuesday for finger printing. (Did you know it costs $25.00 if you aren't a criminal??) Just in case you ever need to have it done. :0) While we were there, we met three other Belmont nursing students. Can I tell you how excited I am to already know three other students from Hendersonville?? Can you say study sessions and carpools? What is even more exciting to me is that two of them have two children as well.

Wednesday night, I got an e-mail from the nursing dept. re: our first assignments and textbooks, etc. I am so excited to get started on everything, but I will have to wait until nutrition class ends in August. I just ordered my lab coat and am going to try on some of my friend Jessica's scrubs. I am on the lookout of a stethoscope as well.

So exciting!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


One of the huge (and dreaded) steps in the process of returning to school is sending my kids to daycare. I have been a stay-at-home mom their whole lives. They each attended an awesome Mother's Day Out program from 9-2 two days per week, but daycare from 7-5 five days a week just seems like way too much!

A few months ago, I decided it would be best to put my two older kids in daycare two days per week this summer so they have a chance to get used to the pace and the 10 hours away from home as opposed to just 5 hours twice a week. They started Tuesday and it seems to be going pretty well so far. My daughter keeps saying she doesn't want "long school" and misses her MDO school friends and teachers. They both cried this morning when I dropped them off. My son has been chatting about it nonstop, even though he claims he doesn't like school. He informed me he was today's line leader, he played a computer game, chased his new friends in the gym, and he actually ate soup!

I am so thrilled with the idea of easing them into the daycare setting this summer. Also, I am getting two full days of quality time with my 22 month old before sending her off to daycare as well. She will start the daycare two days per week the first of August and will start full-time at the end of August.

Each step in the process makes it more real. My SAHM life is almost over and I am going to be a full time student in a little less than three months! I hope we all survive and thrive! I admit I am still skeptical, but I am glad the first week of daycare hasn't been quite as torturous as I thought it might be.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Nutrition class started Saturday. We have a test over 7 chapters in just 10 days! Ahh, the joys of summer school! I thought I might find this class pretty boring, but chapters 1-3 have actually been pretty interesting.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Anatomy and Physiology rambles

I thought I would share a few thoughts on the anatomy and physiology courses I took the past two semesters. I had an *awesome* professor. He was brilliant, enthusiastic, fair, and he had a wealth of knowledge to share. I went to class Tuesday and Thursday nights both semesters. It was a great way to get back into the groove.

The first semester, we learned the bones and muscles and about several body systems. A highlight was dissecting a cow eye ball. Did you know cow eye balls are HUGE and contain a lot of fat around them??? I have a feeling A&P has a lot to do with my unwillingness to eat too much red meat, but that is another story for another day. :0)

By the second semester, I made several good friends. We studied together, stressed together, memorized countless models, and spent a good hour together in a tornado lock-down at the science fair for extra credit. After our final exam a few weeks ago, the four of us went out to eat to celebrate our new (but short-lived) freedom.

A&P gave me a HUGE respect for the human body. Seriously, God's design is amazing. I knew it was, but to read about each body system in detail and know that we had not even scratched the surface of everything that's there just totally blew my mind!

Oh, and I shouldn't forget to mention I sliced my finger open while dissecting a sheep's heart. Never a dull moment. But, don't worry.....I promise I will make a good nurse. :0)